Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week 3 recap

This is a summary of what the yarn ninjas did and when they did it during the third week.

Week 3 of Group Project

Monday, March 15 - class. Looked around briefly and figured out things to yarn bomb. Planned out meetings. Came up with mascots - sock monkeys1 We are each different colors and types of monkeys. This will be incorporated later.

Tuesday, March 16 - regular meeting. Courtney could not make it but Lindsay, Holly, and DaeHee did. Discussed the idea of coming up with poster ideas (we will all come up with one idea each, four total, and put them around the school later) and started a list of things we will yarn bomb, who will yarn bomb what, documented measurements, etc. Discussed midweek post and came up with the idea of sock monkeys as representation. Holly learned how to crochet.

Friday, March 19 - regular online meeting. DaeHee had a meeting with his adviser so he could not make it. Lindsay, Courtney, and Holly talked about how our knitting was coming, formalized plans a bit more, and discussed advertising. Lindsay had the idea of making mini comics about yarn ninjas and putting them around the school in bathrooms and whatnot. We are also each designing a poster that we will be putting up around the school this week as foreshadowing. "The yarn ninjas are coming..." We will have our designs on Monday, and if we have time in class, we will print them out in class. If not, we will print them out on Tuesday during our regular group meeting. We also discussed that we need a lot more pictures to have something to show for our process.

Summary: Now that we have the basics down, things are progressing a lot quicker. We've started to actually start on the things we are yarn bombing, which is pretty exciting. This was the first week of regular meetings, and there were some problems (some people couldn't make it, some could...) but hopefully things will be smoothed out later.

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