Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 4 recap

This is a summary of what the yarn ninjas did and when they did it during the fourth week.

Week 4 of Group Project

Monday, March 22 - class. We compare posters, print them out onto brightly colored paper, and put them up all over the school. We decided that we are going to be knitting in a concentrated area (the student center and cafeteria) so that it will be more easily recognizable. We then decide who is going to be doing what, and get it finalized this time. We spend the rest of hte day knitting and talking and enjoying ourselves.

FIRST MOMENT OF RECOGNITION: the Yarn Ninjas are sitting at the round table, discretely knitting when Megan Leafblad walks by and loudly asks, "Are you guys the yarn ninjas?!" "Perhaps," Lindsay responds, and we all kind of smile at each other. This happened at approximately 4:48 on Monday, March 22.

Tuesday, March 23 - regular meeting. Lindsay and DaeHee were not able to make it down to the school, so we got together for an online meeting instead. By some miracle, all four of us eventually got together! We discussed group effort, as well as what other people's reactions would be. We all uploaded the photos that we had taken up until this point. Holly updated the blog with documentation of our meetings.

Friday, March 26 - regular online meeting. Courtney and Holly were there, but Lindsay and DaeHee were not. Holly brought up concerns in an email about time and Lindsay called for an online group meeting on Saturday.

Saturday, March 27 - emergency online meeting. DaeHee was not there but Lindsay, Holly, and Courtney were. Decided to go ahead with scheduled plan and Holly was reassured that it was not, in fact, the end of the world.

Summary: it's all starting to come together at this point and things are getting near the end. In a lot of ways, that's pretty scary. Before, it seemed like we had all the time in the world. Now it's very clear that we don't, and that we have a very limited time to get all of this done. It's not all gloom and doom, though. Our advertising was a huge success, bigger than what we thought it would be. It gained us a lot of recognition. Even though a lot of our posters got taken down, a lot of them are still up and we still have quite a bit of recognition.

Soon. It will happen soon. Are you prepared? Are we?

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